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‎حاصلِ عمرم سہ سخن بیش نیست

‎خام بدم، پختہ شدم، سو ختم

The gain of my life is not more than these three things;

I was raw, became mature and burned.


‎(میری عمر کا حاصل اِن تین چیزوں سے زائد نہیں،

‎میں خام تھا، پختہ ہوا اور جل گیا)

▪️Title: RAQS-II

▪️Size: 30x16 inches

▪️Medium: Acrylics on Canvas

▪️Protected with Gloss Varnish

▪️Includes Certificate of Authenticity

▪️Shipping Worldwide 🌎

Copyrights Reserved ©️

Please inbox me to buy Original Art / further queries.📥

Open for Commission work.

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